For Families

Empowering Youth and Families Program (EYFP) is aimed at middle school-aged youth and their caregivers.

Scroll down to learn more about how EYFP benefits youth, families, and communities.

Together, We:

Communicate Effectively

Do you ever feel like talking to your tween or young teen is like talking to a wall? EYFP can help your family break through communication barriers. Participants learn how to use brain science and child development research to better share their ideas, listen to others, and respond appropriately.

“Things are different today, than when I was a child. I now do more than just talk to my granddaughter, I listen. She knows that I love her, but now she knows that I also understand some of the things she is dealing with. This program has been great for us. “

Sarah D., program graduate, volunteer, Nash County, North Carolina

Solve Problems Peacefully

EYFP helps families to prevent problems before they happen. Youth and caregivers use their family values to set reasonable expectations. They also learn how to distinguish behavior from emotions so they can better help each other meet those same expectations. Finally, EYFP provides participants with effective strategies to repair relationships if a problem should arise.

“The biggest impact on our family was hearing how [The Presenter] talked about shouting and what it does to kids. It helped us find communication starters with our teens. [The Presenter] had those little cards. I didn’t realize how hard it was to try to not yell.”

Angi W., participant, Yancey County, North Carolina

Work Together as a Team

Strong, resilient families are a source of strength for each member. From weekly family games to the two-day family Confluence retreat, EYFP offers families many ways to build their team. As a final family leadership project, EYFP families connect with other local leaders to plan, organize, and host a community-wide event to promote healthy lifestyles free from substance misuse.

“The Empowering Youth and Families Program is an excellent place for families to re-connect with each other and tap into their community. My son and I participated in this program’s last cycle and I cannot speak more highly of it. The facilitators are fantastic and we even got to take a little overnight trip at the end.”

– April B., participant, Yancey County, North Carolina

Lead Healthier Lives

A team who has your back, clear guidelines, and productive ways to communicate add up to life with less stress and better decisions. EYFP teaches youth and their caregivers how to stand up to negative peer pressure, refuse dangerous or unhealthy options, and connect with local health agencies to help others in the community.

“If your friends try to get you to do something bad, just walk away.”

– JJ W., participant, Yancey County, North Carolina

Learn — Retreat — Impact

Here’s a video from our confluence conference in 2019.

To find a program near you, click here for locations across North Carolina and Tennessee.